Mountaintop Ministries

Franklin United Methodist Church
162 North Main St
Franklin, WV, 26807

Mt. Zion United Methodist Church
4477 Troublesome Valley Road
Franklin, WV 26807

Walnut Street United Methodist Church
88 Walnut Street
Franklin, WV 26807

We are served by Pastor Mike Loudermilk:
304-358-2989 (parsonage) 
304-802-3121 (cell)  
Click here to email Pastor Mike.

Mountaintop Ministries – Worship With Us

Franklin United Methodist Church worships on Sunday mornings at 11:00 AM in the sanctuary of the church. There is an Adult Sunday School Class every Sunday at 10 AM and ending at 10:45 AM. Children’s church is in the church basement at 11 AM. Masks are not required.

Mt. Zion United Methodist Church worships on Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM in the sanctuary of the church. Sunday School immediately follows worship service.

Walnut Street United Methodist Church worships on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM in the sanctuary.

Or you can join Pastor Mike each Sunday morning for online LIVE stream worship
through the Mountaintop Ministries UMC Facebook pageYouTube page, 
or watch on our page under Sermons.

  • Franklin UMC Ladies Luncheon at AGK Restaurant in Franklin.